Odom News

Construction Updates

Exciting news, ODOM community!

We’re thrilled to announce a significant achievement in our project journey: completing our basement wall. We’ve reached a crucial milestone with all 48 panels in place, marking a major step forward in our construction progress.

Why is this milestone so pivotal? The basement wall is the backbone of our entire structure, providing essential support and stability for the rest of the building. It defines the shape of our development and ensures the safety and longevity of our ODOM project.

Meanwhile, our piling work continues to progress. With 263 out of 270 piles completed, we have an impressive 97% completion rate. This further solidifies the foundation of our project and paves the way for the next construction phases.

As we wrap up the fabrication of rebar cages for the remaining piles, our focus shifts to the construction of our superstructure—the visible framework that will soon rise above ground. This exciting phase will bring our vision to life, shaping the skyline of our ODOM community.

With your continuous support, we’re confident in our ability to reach new milestones and deliver excellence in every aspect of the ODOM project. Stay tuned for more updates as we advance toward our vision of creating a truly exceptional living experience. We can’t wait to share more exciting developments with you soon!


Find Your Ideal Office Size

How many staff do you have?

Layout Type

Sample Small Offices

Sample Small Offices

Sample Medium Offices

Sample Medium Offices

Sample Large Offices

Sample Large Offices

Sample Full Floor

Sample Full Floor

We recommend a small office size of 60 to 90 sqm.

This will give you approx SQM/PAX for people in a density configuration.

We recommend a medium office size of 91 to 148 sqm.

This will give you approx SQM/PAX for people in a density configuration.

We recommend a large office size of 141 to 250 sqm.

This will give you approx SQM/PAX for people in a density configuration.

We recommend a full floor of 887 to 1,515 sqm.

This will give you approx SQM/PAX for people in a density configuration.